Self-reflection is an important piece in the process of becoming excellent. For that reason, make it a part of your practice. Schedule regular times throughout the year, and after major events, that are set aside for the purpose of reflecting in order to grow and improve. Said simply, to be excellent, practice self-reflection.

Be A Better Leader (part 21): Be Excellent (By Being Self-reflective)
Self-reflection is an important piece in the process of becoming excellent. For that reason, make it a part of your practice. Schedule regular times throughout the year, and after major events, that are set aside for the purpose of reflecting in order to grow and improve. Said simply, to be excellent, practice self-reflection.

Quote Your Dad
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Podcast, Season 2, Episode 36: Be a Better Leader: The Be-Attitudes of Better Leadership (Part 20, Do What Works)
In this “Be A Better Leader” series of website articles and podcasts, I am talking about a variety of attributes, characteristics, and skills that are essential to effective leadership, and discussing how they are reflected in practice.…

Be A Better Leader (part 20): Be Excellent (By Doing What Works)
Be intentional about doing what works (which is generally evident in the results). Don’t change for the sake of change when what you have is working. Do what works. And keep doing it.