Entries by Jeff McMaster

Without Compromise, pt. 2: Dealing with Your Circumstances

When I started a personal Bible study on the book of Ezra several years ago, I wasn’t expecting that I would turn my own study notes into a book about leadership, but that’s what happened (Leadership Ezra, available on Amazon).  When that was done, I started a study of Daniel, and never made it past […]

Podcast Episode 18 – Without Compromise (part 1)

This week’s episode builds on Monday’s article of the same name, “The Most Important Thing.” Here is the transcript of the podcast: Have you struggled with compromise or conformity? That’s the question we are going to talk about today.  This discussion is going to be the first in a series, all based on a study […]

Without Compromise, pt. 1: The Most Important Thing

When I started a personal Bible study on the book of Ezra several years ago, I wasn’t expecting that I would turn my own study notes into a book about leadership, but that’s what happened (Leadership Ezra, available on Amazon).  When that was done, I started a study of Daniel and never made it past […]


Podcast Episode 17 – It’s Time for a Self-Assessment

This week’s episode builds on Monday’s article of the same name, “It’s Time for a Self-Assessment.” Here is the transcript of the podcast: Have you done a self-assessment lately? That’s the question we are going to talk about today, because it’s a perfect time to do it.  Self-assessment and self-reflection are important to your growth […]

It’s Time for a Self-Assessment

When I started my doctoral program, I first had to attend an orientation program with the other students who had been accepted as part of that year’s cohort. During those two weeks, we read books, listened to lectures, interacted in discussions and activities, and wrote. And wrote. And wrote. Several of the writing assignments were […]

Podcast Episode 16 – What Is the Truth About Christmas?

This week’s episode builds on Monday’s article of the same name, “The Truth About Christmas.” Here is the transcript of the podcast: Have you wondered what Christmas is really about? On today’s episode, that’s the question we are going to explore. In this holiday season of activity and celebration, it’s easy for the real meaning […]