Entries by Jeff McMaster

Podcast Episode 12 – Regretfulness or Thankfulness?

This week’s episode builds on Monday’s article on a related topic, “Thankful Trust.” Here is the transcript of the podcast: Have you ever struggled with uncertainty and regret? I have, and on today’s episode, that’s the question we are going to explore.  What we are really going to be talking about is a mindset.  Specifically, […]

Thankful Trust

“Thankful Trust.” That’s the phrase my wife has been reminding me of repeatedly in the last few months, and it’s appropriate to share it with you during this week of Thanksgiving. Here’s the reason behind this frequent reminder. A little less than a year ago, I entered a new place of transition in my life. I […]

Podcast Episode 11 – How Do You Learn to Lead?

This week’s episode builds on Monday’s article on a related topic, “My Simple Diagram of Leadership.” Here is the transcript of the podcast: Have you ever struggled with understanding how you are supposed to lead? I have, and on today’s episode, that’s the question we are going to explore.  Every leader must lead for the first time […]

My Simple Diagram of Leadership

A number of years ago, in my doctoral studies, I took a course called Issues in Leadership Theory. Throughout the course, we, the students, were assigned essays on various theories, ideas, and characteristics of leadership, with which we were expected to interact and then write reflective responses. The goal was to build a broader understanding […]

Podcast Episode 10 – First Get the Whole Story

This week’s episode builds on Monday’s article on the same topic: First Get the Whole Story. Here is the transcript of the podcast: Have you ever been guilty of jumping to a conclusion before having all the information, and then regretting your response?  I have, and on today’s episode, that’s the question we are going to […]

First Get the Whole Story

Early in my experience as an educator, I heard my administrator say to parents (tongue-in-cheek), “If you don’t believe half of what your student says happened in the classroom, we won’t believe half of what they tell us happened at home.” Like many humorous comments, this contains a morsel of truth. People have a tendency […]