Quote Your Dad
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Jeff McMaster contributed 234 entries already.
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
There are two primary halves of leadership responsibility: tasks and people. Although we need to do both if we are going to lead well, most of us tend to be more comfortable with one or the other. I personally drift more naturally to the task side, and so I am always reminding myself to give […]
If you’re good, you don’t have to tell people, they’ll tell you.
One of my father’s many great attributes was the character trait of #humility. As a teenager and a young man, I was often in awe at his capability and competence in so many areas, and yet he was never arrogant or prideful, and would not boast about his own accomplishments or abilities. Seemingly in spite […]
“Either it’s true or it’s not.”
“Either it’s true or it’s not.” That was one of the phrases that I heard frequently from my father when I was younger, and, while it seems to be a simple statement, I have learned that it contains great truth. It makes me think of a commercial that ran on television for an insurance company […]
Earlier this week, I published an article in which I said that “Ezra developed an intimate, personal relationship with God. Because of that personal and deep relationship, he didn’t simply learn to know who God was and is; he also came to understand God’s nature and heart. He had developed a relationship that enabled him […]
“You learn most things by experience, but it’s usually less painful for you if it’s someone else’s experience.”
This is a seemingly obvious and simple statement, but upon reflection, one with significant meaning. Simply put, before you can teach and lead others, you have to live it, but in order to live it, you have to know it. I experienced this (or, better put, failed at this) in my first experience as the […]
“The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.”